Do you have the discipline to keep it simple?

Mindset for the day:
Be Practical…Keep it simple!

Your thoughts can take off and get the better of you if you don’t keep it simple.  Too often, we overlook the simple explanation or solution in life.  The mind likes to create, be it drama or something spectacular and ground breaking, it still likes to create.  This is where problems arise in the untamed mind.  For example, if your spouse didn’t take out the trash like they said they would, it isn’t that they don’t respect you or care what you think. It isn’t that they don’t want you be happy either.  Perhaps, they simply were to busy and forgot.  While one way of thinking gives you reason to be angry and right about what happened, it has a cost….Turmoil!  On the other hand, if you keep it simple, you can just remind them or do it yourself.

Today’s Action Step:
Focus your attention on keeping it very simple today.  If you don’t make a sale…You didn’t make a sale.  Don’t take it any further than that.  Don’t bother wasting time searching for the underlying meaning behind everything.  Refrain from diving to deep and try the simplest explanation or solution first. There is happiness in simplicity.  Be practical!

Have a great day!


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Be Objective…Opinions are like______!

Mindset for the day:
Be Objective…Opinion are like a$$holes.

We all want to be given a choice.  Did you know that when you speak your personal feelings and opinions have an influence on your audience.  Have you ever been swindled?  You know…Talked into buying something that you didn’t want.  It sucks!  You get home and think “How the heck did that happen?”

You don’t have to be selling something to sway someone.  You’re biased conversations can have negative consequences.
Today’s Action Step:
Be objective when you speak.  People will have a great amount of respect for you and they’ll value what you have to say.  Here are a few pitfalls that can occur when your opinions are flying out of control…

You can rob someone else of an experience.
Maybe you didn’t like something…But they might!

You can kill a relationship between 2 people.
Is someone else really as bad as you say they are…Character assassination has severe consequences.

You can crush an opportunity for someone else.
Maybe you don’t think it’ll work…You aren’t all knowing.  Don’t step on someones excitement!

Realize this…Highly opinionated people have opinions about you too.  What do they say when you aren’t around?  If you are highly opinionated, they wonder what you say when they aren’t there!  Think before you speak!  Be open minded and remember that your opinion isn’t necessarily the truth.  Let people have a choice and a chance to experience life with a clean slate.

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Be Genuine…Give the world what you’ve got!

Mindset for the day:
Be Genuine…Give the world what you’ve got!

Be yourself and people will respect you for it.  Be someone else and they’ll figure you out…But there won’t be one ounce of respect coming your way.  Don’t be a poser!

Today’s Action Step:
Just be yourself! It sounds simple, but it may not always be easy.   Being you means not letting the rest of the world dictate how you’re going to be.   I’m talking from first hand experience here.  There have been times in my life where I have played the part and gotten somewhere and played the part and have gotten nowhere.  Where did I go? That was the question I had to ask myself!   Don’t let anything or anyone take you away from being who you want be.  Be true to yourself and that will be enough!

Get your mind set…


Change what you do till you get what you want!

Mindset for the day:
Be Determined…Stay on course!
SUCCESS = Having an intention, committing to it and taking an unwavering stand to persist and persevere.   Ask yourself…What to I intend to do?  Who do I intend to be?  It sounds simple…Is it?  Before you do anything, it helps to know exactly what you want.  When your intentions are clear, you are more likely to stay on track and get what you want.  Life is hard…It’s busy and people have their own agenda’s.  They often get in your way, step on your toes and resist you.  When I state that life is hard, I don’t mean it in a discouraging way.  There can be a calm that exists when you accept that like has it’s difficulties.  Too often, people spend time resisting what is and then trying to change it.  In fact, life is much easier when you stop trying to make it “not hard.”  Accepting life on life’s terms creates a clearing for logical choices and sound actions that produce results consistent with what you have stated as your intentions.  In taking today’s action step, my intention is to have you get very clear about what you want in at least 4 areas of life.

Today’s Action Step:
Can you declare your purpose or what you’re intentions are in these 4 areas of life?  There can be more than one intention in each area, but there doesn’t have to be.
*Career / Job
*Money / Finances
*Health / Well-being
Once you’ve stated your intentions, write them down on a piece of paper and place them in your pocket, your planner or on your desk or wall.  Re-read them throughout the day and check to see if your actions are consistent with what you say you want for yourself and your life. 

Adversity doesn’t build character…It reveals it!

What happens to you when the shit hits the fan?  Do you lash out at the world around you?  Do you throw a fit like a child who cannot have his/her way?  Are you one who remains composed only if life goes according to your plan?  If so, do the rest of us a favor and build a sound proof isolation room to put yourself in when you don’t like what life is offering.

Adversity doesn’t build character…It reveals it!

Character is something to build upon when life is right.  The problem is that most people don’t take the time to look at their current defects of character when all is well.  Doing life this way is the equivalent to burying your head in the sand.  We all know where our shortcomings reside and it seems like we are okay with not addressing them.  But there is a cost!  Life, being a series of you get your way and then you don’t, will turn you upside down and reveal your ugly side if you aren’t willing to look at who you become when the shit hits the fan.  If adversity brings out the worst in you, and people know it…Who will be there to help when you need it the most?  Only a few that have the ability look beyond your behavior and have the mental capacity to overlook what is happening in the moment.  I think it’s important to understand that this will only happen for a littlewhile.  Eventually people have enough and although they may not physically leave, they will detach emotionally because getting close means getting hurt.

I would also like to say that people who get spun like a research monkey by adversity also hurt themselves.  For example…How often have you said you’ll start your diet only to throw it out the window when something bad happens?  My point is that not building your character is to self destruct.

How do you build your character?  PRACTICE!  Where do you practice?  It begins between your ears!  To develop your character you must first develop your mindset.  How you view a situation, your mindset, is directly proportionate to how you will respond to it.  Notice that I use the word respond…To respond means to think then act.  To react means to jump!  It’s the jump that causes problems!  Those who jump, without rational and logical thinking, have lost their perspective.  They haven’t harnessed the ability to see the forest through the trees.  They have a mind that is easily shaken and most of the time a spine to match.  It doesn’t require any special character traits to lash out or give up.  However, self control does call for one to employ their strengths and solidarity at the right time under all circumstances.  This is where the champion resides.

What makes a person a champion?

  • The willingness to look at and embrace their weaknesses.
  • The ability to admit their shortcomings.
  • The courage to challenge themselves to be their best.
  • The fortitude to do what is just.
  • The desire to establish disciplines that serve as structures to taming the mind.
  • The persistence to practice these structures under any and all situations or circumstances.
  • The composure to perform well when life gets tough.

Where do you go to begin this process?  Many people hire a coach, become involved in a spiritual journey or join like minded people with the desire to improve.  I have utilized all of these in my quest to change those things about myself that don’t serve my life.  Have I arrived at my destination?  No way!  But I am better than I used to be.  Along the way I’ve learned a lot about who I was, who I am and who I can be.  As a result, I have created a structure that challenges me to practice mindsets that I believe true champions utilize to their advantage.  These mindsets allow champions to not only serve their life, but lives of those around them.  They always place themselves in a position to contribute something useful where others, in the same situation, contribute something of no value what so ever.  Is it because they don’t care?  Not at all, they simply lack the ability to tame their mind causing them to react.  If you would like access to what works for me, and many others, please visit the link below to subscribe.  I call it The Mindset Email and it’s your for free.

Thank You,


Author of The Mindset Email

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What is a Mindset?

What is a mindset?
A set of established attitudes held by someone.

These established mindsets will only take you so far in life.  Most people switch between only a few habitual frames of mind…Meaning that they produce results consistent with what they already know…The familiar.

Why new mindsets work.
A new mindset causes one to think outside of their habitual thought patterns. Thus, resulting in new behaviors that produce new results. The Mindset Email and The Mindset Project create positive attitudes and action steps to expand your potential while adding value to your life.  Try The Mindset Email for 30 days…If you don’t see results you can always unsubscribe.  If you currently use The Mindset Email and want to take it to another level, pre-order The Mindset Project today!

The Mindset



Does happiness now = happiness later?

Mindset for the day:
Be Powerful…Exercise your right to be happy!

Everyone wants to be happy. It’s actually the one thing all human beings have in common. What defines happiness may vary from person to person and between one culture and another. Never the less, we all want it. So how do you get it? Here is the great news…You get to make the call.

Today’s Action Step:
Do what makes you happy! Just watch out for the pit fall…There is such a thing as momentary happiness that leads to unhappiness down the road. Before you act, stop to think about what you’re going to do. Then ask yourself if what makes you happy now will cause discontentment, pain or suffering later.

Time…What’s your habit?

Mindset for the day:
Be On Time!

You might think that being timely isn’t a big deal.  To you it might not, but have you considered how not showing up when you said you would effects other people?  If you have the habit of being late, people begin to expect it.  While it may appear that all is well, over time these people may stop counting on you to be your word.

Today’s Action Step:
Get up and get going!  As you plan your day, look ahead to see what you can do to make sure you show up on time.  How can you prepare?   What can you do?  Who can you line up?  Can they help you get ready?  When you plan to be on time…You tend to show up when you said you would and opportunity shows up.

Get your mind set each day…Sign up here.

Do you serve…Yourself?

Mindset for the day:
Be Unique…Do your thing!
What do you want to accomplish?  What would you like to do?  Is there something you want, but you won’t go get it because your afraid of what someone else will think or say?  When your finished contemplating your answers, I have one more question…Where is the uniqueness in that!

Today’s Action Step:
Notice where you aren’t being unique.  In other words, be aware of the times where you won’t be or do that which serves you.  When you begin to see where, you can start to understand why.  Your reason’s will be what ever they’ll be, some will seem valid and others not.  Either way, you will have a clearer picture about what you can do differently, if anything, in that moment and in the future.

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Integrity…You have it or you don’t!

Integrity…When what you do and how you are become aligned with what you say.  Integrity isn’t a moral issue.  It isn’t about what’s right and what’s wrong…That’s what morals, ethics and laws are for.  Integrity is another animal…You and only you can say if you are in or out of integrity.  So…Here are a few topics to explore, search, discover before integrity, or the lack there of, can be established.

  • Who are you?
  • What are your values?
  • What is your life about?
  • Who do you say you are?

Once you’ve defined yourself, you have a reference point from which to check all of your actions against.  You can also check your thoughts, your view of life and how you treat the world around you.

Now that you have a clear picture of “you,” it’s time for questions?  Are you in integrity in the following areas…

  • Your work…Do you do your job?
  • At school…Do you keep your promises and commitments?
  • At home…Do you take care of your half of the street?
  • Your relationships…Do you treat people the way you said you would?
  • Your finances…Do you follow your own rules?
  • Your health…Do you take care of yourself?

Integrity isn’t about results…Results are results.  Integrity is about intentions, actions and reactions.  Look to see where you are aligned in the preceding areas.

Now that you have a clear picture, what can you do and how can you be to begin to close the gaps if any exist?

This is the beginning!  It all starts here…This is how you change your life.  Sign up for The Mindset Email at

For information about integrity please contact me at

Have a wonderful day,
